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Neighbourhood Plan

This is the website of the Repton Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan. 

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

A Neighbourhood Development Plan is a way a community can help guide the development of where they live.  It is a statutory document which, if formally adopted through an examination and referendum process, has to be considered when considering new development.  It gives the community a say in how they would like the parish to change.

The Neighbourhood Plan was officially ‘made’ on 6th January 2020 following a referendum that took place on 14th November 2019 with the following result: Yes – 565, No – 21, No spoilt papers, 96.4% in favour, 27.7% turnout.

Details, including the official plan are available on South Derbyshire district Council’s website Neighbourhood planning – Repton Neighbourhood Development Plan | South Derbyshire District Council

Now the plan is ‘made’ it is appropriate to use it in the determination of development matters in the parish, including planning applications.

In the process of producing the Neighbourhood Development Plan a great deal of research and consultation has taken place.  All documents in this process have been give a unique number; a Consultation Evidence File (CEF) number.  The plan itself is number one.  The link below is to the table that lists the documents.  Note that some documents contain personal information, so are not available on this website.  The examiner was given a copy of these when the review took place.

Document CEF Number and DescriptionDocument Link
CEF 1             Repton Neighbourhood Development PlanLink & Pre-examination version Link
CEF 2             Designated NDP Area application and confirmationLink &  Link & Link Link &  Link
CEF 3             Consultation StatementLink
CEF 4             Basic Conditions StatementLink
CEF 5             Detailed Justification of PoliciesLink
CEF 5a          Links to Existing Planning DocumentsLink
CEF 6             Landscape Character and Visual Amenity (FPCR)Link
CEF 7             Conservation Area Character StatementsLink & Link
CEF 8             Historical Assets RegisterLink
CEF 9             Repton Village Design StatementLink
CEF 10          Consultation Process For Village Design StatementLink
CEF 11          Village Party Survey 2011 and 2013On-line document not available
CEF 12          Issues raised at Parish Council meeting over past 2 yearsLink
CEF 13          Time Line Link
CEF 14          Members of Steering Group and Working GroupLink
CEF 15          Summary of Meeting Notes of Working GroupLink
CEF 16          List of Organisations and GroupsLink
CEF 17          List of BusinessesLink
CEF 18          Reference DocumentsLink
CEF 19          Flyer and Poster for Launch MeetingLink &  Link
CEF 20          PowerPoint presentation from Launch MeetingLink
CEF 21           Materials for Launch MeetingLink
CEF 22          Summary of Launch Meeting AttendeesLink
CEF 23          Pre-questionnaire flyer (hand delivered)Link
CEF 24          Poster for QuestionnaireLink
CEF 25          Information enclosed in Household survey envelope delivered                        with Parish MagazineLink &  Link & Link & Link & Link 
CEF 26          Reminder for people to fill in questionnaireLink &  Link
CEF 27          Photographs of publicity around the villagesLink
CEF 28          Analysis of Questionnaires by themeLink
CEF 29          Spreadsheet of Comments from questionnaireOn-line document not available
CEF 30          Parish Magazine Questionnaire Feedback centre spread March 2016Link
CEF 31         Evidence paper for each ThemeLink
CEF 32         Table showing Evidence for each ThemeLink
CEF 33         Business ConsultationsLink & Link & Link
CEF 34         Repton School InterviewOn-line document not available
CEF 35         Repton Primary School survey responsesLink
CEF 36         Information for First Drop-in event and Board Milton and ReptonOn-line document not available
CEF 37         First Drop in Event Session ReportLink
CEF 38         Posters for Second Drop in Event Repton (Policies)Link
CEF 39         Poster and Flyer for Second Drop in Event Milton(Policies)Link & Link
CEF 40         Information for display at Second Drop In EventLink & Link  & Link & Link & Link & Link
CEF 41         Second Drop In Session Reports Milton and ReptonLink
CEF 42         Summary of Parish Magazine Articles and Parish Council JottingsLink
CEF 43         Consultation with South Derbyshire District CouncilLink
CEF 44         Derbyshire County Council CommentsLink
CEF 45         Experts ConsultedLink
CEF 46         Feedback from ConsultantsOn-line document not available
CEF 47         Feedback from Statutory UndertakersOn-line document not available
CEF 48         Feedback from other Interested PartiesOn-line document not available
CEF 49         SDDC Statement of Community InvolvementLink
CEF 50         Summary of Audiences and Engagement MethodsLink
CEF 51         Pre-Submission ConsultationLink & Link  & Link & Link
CEF 52         Pre-Submission Consultation Response Feedback (Statutory Consultation Regulation 14)Link & Link
CEF 53         Summary of Pre-submission Consultation changes made to NDPLink
CEF 54         E-mail confirmation of Survey Results and NDP being put on-line, update of Twitter and FacebookOn-line document not available