Historical Topics in Detail

Welcome to the Repton Village History Group.

Here you will find a description of the RVHG, including a brief outline of the activities of the group and details of many of the interesting historical facts associated with this ancient community.

Click here for the latest articles and website updates:  Latest News

Over time we aim to describe as many topics as possible covering the history of Repton and the surrounding area.

  • Repton Tales  – A series of true stories from Repton’s past.
  • Local Industry  – A number of articles about industries which used to exist in Repton.

Here are some other items that have already been put onto the website:

Amongst the other topics which would be of interest to many people are those listed below.  We’d like to hear from you, if you have any information on these, or indeed any other subjects you think people would find interesting.  Just click on the “Contact Us” text at the top of this page.

  • The Saxons
  • The Vikings
  • Religion
  • The Abbey
  • The Church
  • Education
  • Family History
  • World War One
  • World War Two
  • Industry
  • Agriculture
  • Transport
  • Crime and Punishment
  • Local Folklore
  • Vintage Leisure
  • Photo Archive (now and then)
  • Links to Other Local History Website
The Cross – Repton
Repton Cross
The Crypt – St Wystan’s
Repton – Street Scene