Welcome to the Repton Village News Website
Here you will find information about Repton today – click on the buttons below.
Local Clubs
Here is a list of some local clubs and organisations. Would you like to add to or change the details of your club? Does your club have its own website? Would you like your club added to the list? Please contact us using the link on the left-hand side of this page.
The 1st Repton Scout Group comprising of:
Monday 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. Leader: Mrs. Liz Massey-Beeston. Tel: 01283 703314. 1stReptonBeaver@gmail.com
Wednesday 6 till 7:30 pm. Leader: Mr. Jez Brooks. jezzbrooks@hotmail.co.uk
Wednesday 7:30 till 9pm. Leader: Mr. Peter Tubby. peter_tubby@hotmail.com
Group Scout Leader:
Ms Emma Tate: Emma.tate@southderbyshirescouts.org
All uniformed groups meet at The Den. Mitre Drive. Repton.
Repton Rainbows:
Ages 5-7. Thursday 5.30-6.45 p.m. Leader: Mrs. Carol Hickebottom Tel: 01283 703991.
Repton Brownies:
Contact Mrs Sally Boddy: reptonbrownies@btinternet.com. Girls aged 7 to 10, Tuesday, 6.30 – 7.45 pm, The Den, Mitre Drive. Repton
Milton Krav Maga Group:
Contact: Duncan Hogg 07973 663601
Milton Village Hall Management Committee:
Chairman: Mr. Carl Avery. Tel: 07527 700308
Milton Lunch Club:
Contact Lynn Hyatt 07983 524105.
Third Thursday of the month (except August) in Milton Village Hall.
Newton Solney Art Group:
Meetings are held 2pm to 4pm every Friday at Newton Soney Village Hall. Contact: Jane Kitto Tel:01283 7020129 or Linda Dailey Tel: 01283 702042. general.20.nsartgroup@spamgourmet.com. Website: http://newtonsolneyartclub.eu.
Life Drawing Group
Contact: David Walton Tel: 01283 713883, Thursday 7 till 9:30, Newton Solney Village Hall
Newton Solney Parish Council:
Contact: Mr David Buchanan. Tel: 01283 701310
2nd Friday of the month, 7.45 p.m. in the Village Hall.
Newton Solney Village Hall:
Lettings: Mrs.Chris Shean. Tel: 01283 701437
Newton Solney Women’s Institute:
2nd Tuesday of the month. Village Hall, 7.15 p.m.
Contact: Pauline Barker. paulinebarker43@btinternet
Newton Solney Horticultural Show:
Contact: Christine Freestone. Tel: 01283 701147
Newton Solney Tuesday Club:
Contact: Rachel Freeman. rachelfreeman106@btinternet.com
Newton Solney Parents and Toddlers:
Contact: Nuala Martin. Tel: 01283 703897
Newton Solney Rifle Club:
Contact: Raymond Hill. Tel: 01283 716003
Newton Solney Bowls:
Contact: Les Reeves. Tel: 01283 701149
Newton Solney Badminton:
Contact: Alan Poole. Tel: 01283 703228, Jane Bagshaw 01283 564520
Newton Solney – Pre-School:
Contact: Gill Williamson. Tel: 07788 423171, Children 2 1/2 to school age, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Newton Solney Village Hall.
Newton Solney Tennis:
Contact: Alan Poole. Tel: 01283 703228
Newton Solney Whist Drives:
Contact: Mrs Jean Burns. Tel: 01283 702463
Repton Art and Theatre Society:
Contact: Mrs Jan Burns. Tel: 01283 702389
Repton MusSoc
Repton School joins the community to form a choir
Contact Rosie Carpenter: carpenter.r@btinternet.com
Repton Book Club:
Contact: Mrs Maggie Tennant. Tel: 01283 704590
Repton Bowls Club:
Contact: Mrs Iris Smith & Mrs May Smith. Tel: 01283 219128
Repton Evergreen Club:
Contact: Mrs Sue Banks. Tel: 01283 701726, Last Thursday of the month 2.30 p.m. Village Hall.
Repton Baby and Toddler Group:
Wednesday, 9:45 am to 11:45 am, Village Hall.
Repton Mother and Toddler:
Contact Natalie Matthews reptonbabyandtoddler@outlook.com
Repton Casuals Football Club
Contact: Bob Jacobs jacobsrepton@talktalk.net
Repton Neighbourhood Help Scheme:
Friday Luncheon Club and other enquiries : Mrs. Melodie Bordoli. Tel: 01283 212652 and Mrs Angela Mayger. Tel 01283 702660
Drop in centre on Friday afternoon.
Repton Women’s Institute:
2nd Tuesday of the month, 7.15 p.m.. Village Hall.
Contact: Rachel.Smedley757@mod.gov.uk
Repton Squash Club Ltd:
Mr Martin Allen Tel: 07772 224512, The Parade Ground, Willington Road, Repton
Repton Casuals Football Club:
Registered Charity no. 1105237, Broomhills Lane, Repton, General Secretary – Sarah Baker Tel. 01283 702318
Repton Table Tennis Club:
Club Night: Every Tuesday Night at Repton village hall from 8pm till 10pm
Bats and Balls provided
Cost £2 per person.
Contact: George Taylor (george@reptontabletennis.com)
Repton Village Sports Club:
Contact: Mrs Janet Orme Tel. 01283 702531
Wado Ryu Karate Defence Class
Repton village Hall
Fridays 6.10 – 7.20pm Adults & Juniors
Contact Mark Rotherham
Tel 01332 864182 Mob 07824 810746
www.mrkd.org.uk Email m.rotherham@mrkd.org.uk
Repton Cycling Group:
Calling all road cyclists… whether you’re training for an event, looking to improve your fitness or just enjoy cycling in company, then join a new group of cyclists in the area. The group leaves The Cross, Repton, at 9am every Sunday for rides of up to two hours duration. All abilities, all ages, and everyone from novices to Bradley Wiggins-wannabees more than welcome. For more details, look for Repton Cycling on Facebook or ring Neil on 01283 703363.
Zumba Kids:
Contact Rio or Laura on Facebook or Tel: 07708 985710. Girls & boys aged 4 – 11, Tuesdays 5.00-6.00pm at The Den, Mitre Drive, Repton
Melbourne and District {MAD} U3A
Members’ meeting – Melbourne Assembly Rooms, High St, (opp. Melbourne Arms Pub)
New members welcome
If you are not a member and you like what you see, you can join on the day. You can also sign up to GROUPS.
Our groups include Italian, German, Bridge, Photography, Crafting, Knit/crochet, French Country Dancing, Family History, Art Appreciation, Art, Theatre Trips, Medieval History, Book club and Walking.
A full timetable will be available at the September meeting – Thurs 6th Sept 2018 2pm
Email: madu3agroups@gmail.com