Snippets from St Wystan’s Parish Magazine

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Snippets from St Wystan’s Parish Magazine

The snippets below are a taster of a forthcoming  publication from the Repton Village History Group which is entitled “Notices & Jottings” from the Parish Magazines. The book gives a glimpse into the everyday life of the village between 1889 and 1937. It will soon be featured on our publications list. 

September 1889

REPTON CHURCH BELLS – The bells of St Wystans Church (six in number) have always been noted for the extreme clearness and delicacy of their tone ; which bell-founders say is to be attributed not to anything peculiar in the metal but to their elevated position and close vicinity to water, the old Trent. An old couplet (author unknown) describing the difference of the sounds produced by the bells of Repton and those of some of the neighbouring churches runs thus —

“Barrows big boulders, Repton’s merry bells,

Foremark’s cracked pancheons and Newton’s egg shells” 

July 1890

SUNDAY SCHOOL EXCURSION – Instead of the usual tea given at Christmas in the School room. It was proposed that there should be an outing and pic-nic tea for the children in the summer time. This proposal having been made to the children met with their unanimously approval. Accordingly on Monday, the 9th of June, arrangements were made for an excursion (by permission of Mr Colin Campbell) to Bretby Park. As the funds in hand were small for providing a treat for so many (120) children, Mr T Brown of the “Shakespeare” kindly came forward and lent the wagons for conveying the children over. The weather was delightfully fine and warm and the children seated on the grass did ample justice to the capital tea which had been prepared for them. The teachers and some other kind friends did their best to make the afternoon pleasant  by joining in vigorously in the various games, e.g. cricket, rounders, flat races, &c until about 8 o’clock when the wagons were again packed with the children who went home merrily after vociferously cheering the kind friends whom they were anxious to thank for such a pleasant afternoon. 

May 1905

The National School

Some wild statements have been made and complaints circulated about the state of the School, and its being the cause of scarlet fever.   But it may be well to state the fact that the Managers, at each outbreak, promptly acted on the instructions of the medical authorities, and that the schools have been thoroughly disinfected and cleaned on three separate occasions.

The Managers have now appointed a new caretaker and made arrangements for the future, which,  the Medical Officer states, will satisfy every requirement.

It is therefore, hoped that all parents of children of school age will see that they attend regularly after the holidays.

Mrs Forman

The sorrowful event of last February, which has so beclouded the life of Repton and Milton, has had its expected sequel – Mrs Forman and her family have gone from our midst to make a new home for themselves elsewhere…………. 

February 1916

I most heartily congratulate two of our Repton soldiers – L E Adams, on being the first from our village to gain the D.C.M., and John Pattinson, on his commission in the Munster Fusiliers.  Edgar Foster, our organist, also hopes to have his commission very shortly. 

October 1937

Repton Choir Outing

Repton Choir and friends had a most enjoyable day at Blackpool on Saturday, September 18.  The journey was made by motor-coach, starting from the Cross at 7 a.m. and arriving at Blackpool at midday.

All through the day the weather was ideal, and every moment of the ten hours’ stay was made the most of by the Choir; an excellent lunch and tea being provided by the Victoria Café.

The illuminations brought the day to a happy climax, the party arriving back at Repton at 3.30 a.m. tired but happy.

No hitch occurred during the outward and return journey, owing to the skilful driving and kindly consideration of Mr Brooks, of Castle Gresley, who provided the motor-coach.