About the RVHG

Welcome to the Repton Village History Group.

Here you will find a description of the RVHG, including a brief outline of the activities of the group and details of many of the interesting historical facts associated with this ancient community.

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Repton Village History Group

About Us 

The Group was formed in 1981 by a small number of amateur local historians brought together by a village appraisal survey of interests and hobbies of Repton residents.

The Group’s members have been involved in historical research, publications, the staging of occasional displays and exhibitions, as well as conducting local visits and talks. The members met informally in each other’s homes, but did not hold public meetings as such. 

The RVHG put itself on a formal footing and introduced a programme of monthly meetings open to members and visitors. These meetings, of local historical interest, included talks, outings, and archive based display evenings.

In 2018 we moved to a new phase in our development and will be concentrating on researching more of Repton’s history through a series of projects which will include recording the memories of older villagers, carrying out architectural, documentary and cartographical studies and undertaking and supporting archaeological research.

The Group will still provide guided tours and talks about Repton’s past, publish local history articles and booklets, maintain the documentary and photographic archives, support other local organisations in whatever ways it can and help anyone seeking family or local history information relating to Repton.

Membership of the Group is open to anyone with an interest in local history, especially of Repton and Milton and their environs.

The Membership year commences on 1st January annually, the subscription being:

Family Membership £12.00 per annum (includes any number of children)
Single Membership £8.00 per annum

The Membership Secretary is: John Kidd who can be contacted on 01283 702991.

Group Objectives  ( Taken from the RVHG constitution )

  1. To promote and encourage the study of local history and genealogy with particular reference to Repton and its environs.
  2. To promote the preservation, security and accessibility of archival material.
  3. To preserve, transcribe, index and publish material with particular reference to Repton and its environs.
  4. To promote educational activities including meetings, exhibitions, workshops and visits.
  5. To work closely with local history groups and established organisations, and other groups and societies within Repton and its environs.

And Finally

If you can help with material or information or if you would like to take part in one of our projects – we would be delighted to hear from you.

If you have old photographs you are willing for us to copy or if you have any old documents to show us or memories to share – please tell us by contacting Andy Austen on 01283 702448 or email rvhg@reptonvillage.org.uk