
Welcome to the Repton Village History Group.

Here you will find a description of the RVHG, including a brief outline of the activities of the group and details of many of the interesting historical facts associated with this ancient community.

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Our age profile led us to be cautious about holding meetings during the pandemic but we are now restarting them.We will be holding meetings for members on the third Tuesday of every other month in the United Reformed Church Schoolroom on Pinfold Lane, Repton at 7.00pm.Meetings will alternate between having a speaker or visit, and for having a time for discussion, reporting back, planning and a chat. The 3 or 4 meetings with speakers or visits will be open to visitors for a small entrance fee.The 2023 open meetings with speakers are planned for January 18th, May 17th (with AGM), July 19th (visit), November 21st. However these dates may change.