Repton Gas Works

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Repton Gas Works  

Repton Gas Works was operated by the Repton Gas, Light, and Coke Co. Limited a Company of shareholders. It was erected in 1855. The nominal capital was £2,000. Bulmer’s Trade Directory of 1895 adds that “the village is lighted by 10 gas public lamps, the expense being defrayed by private subscription”. Ten Repton Gas Shares, amongst other items, were offered for sale by auction on 22nd March 1871 by the Trustees of the late Mr Thomas Whawell, deceased. 

The photograph shows the Manager’s house to the left of the gas holder. This still exists there as a private home. Although it only shows one gas holder, at some time there were two. These were shown on the Ordnance Survey Maps around 1900. The Repton Gas, Light & Coke Co. was taken over by Burton Corporation Gas Works in 1923. The equipment was demolished in the early 1960’s and the thatched cottages to the right of the picture were replaced by modern housing. 

Alan Kimber 30th August 2005.