Repton Village Website

  Repton - historic capital of Mercia


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Welcome back to our Winter Season, we hope that the poor summer did not stop you enjoying the longer days and the opportunity of getting out and about. However, we do have an interesting programme arranged for the next few months and hope to give you the opportunity of participating in some interesting and worthwhile projects.

With the start of Christmas shopping looming and the compilation of present lists, don’t forget that we have a range of economically priced publications for sale at our meetings. These are ideal stocking fillers and will be of special interest to friends and relations who have moved away from the area as well as new and existing residents. 


The Committee have organised a programme of regular monthly meetings through the winter season. These will all take place at the Village Hall on Askew Grove and start at 7:30pm. We have tried to get some routine into our plans so they all take place on the first Tuesday of each month.

The future programme is: 

Tuesday 5th October                 Talk - “The Button Box” - Graham Nutt

Tuesday 2nd November            Workshop Evening

Tuesday 7th December            Social Evening with Quiz & Mince Pies

Tuesday 4th January                 Slide Show of old Repton views - David Guest

Tuesday 1st February               Short AGM and Projects evening

Tuesday 1st March                   To be announced

Tuesday 5th April                      To be announced 


Projects being carried out in the group are moving forward at a cracking pace.  The projects completed this year alone are as follows: 

1881 Census Transcription.

New book of Old Photographs.

Parish Magazines 1889 - 1937, Births, Marriages, Funerals.

Repton Institute Minute Book 1853 - 1863.

Banns of Marriage 1859 - 1908.

Repton C of E School Log Book 1896 - 1926.

The following projects are well in hand: 

1901 Census Transcription.

Jottings from Parish Magazines 1889 -1937.

Repton C of F School Log Book 1926 - 1943.

Repton C of E School Log Book 1904 - 1928.

Recording of names in Monsom Lane Cemetery.

Recording Local History from older inhabitants of Repton.

History of Local Religious Places.

Research into names on the Village War Memorial. 

There is always more work to be done and if you can spare an hour a day or a week and are interested in helping please contact Alan Hiley, Projects Co-ordinator.


Aircraft Crash 5th November 1941 

Pilot J.A. Teacher was piloting a Miles Majestor flying stunts over Repton. The pilot for reasons unknown baled out of the plane over Milton; it subsequently crashed in a wood yard there. The pilot landed in Milton and was killed. The pilot is buried in a war grave at St Wystan’s Churchyard and it is believed he was related to the Teachers whisky family. 

Aircraft Crash 22nd October 1942 

Richard Tilley an American was piloting a plane belonging to the RAF Eagle Squadron, returning from a patrol of the North Sea to RAF Kirton in Lindsey, Lincolnshire. He lost radio contact and ran into severe foggy weather, baling out of the aeroplane over Robin’s Cross the plane crashed into an oak tree at the rear of the Westminster Bank Repton. Richard Tilley went on to become a Lieutenant Colonel in the USSAF.

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