Repton Village Website

  Repton - historic capital of Mercia


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The Winter edition of “Heritage News” published by South Derbyshire District Council and Sharpe’s Pottery gave a timely reminder that here in Repton we have a heritage which is worth researching and recording. In their news sheet we are reminded that in the South Derbyshire District Council area, Repton is one of the most important out of 22 Conservation areas and that it is also amongst the top villages when it comes to the number of listed buildings. These are points that we should all bear in mind when we think about the area we represent. 


Tuesday 1st February 2005. This will be another display evening when more of our extensive archives will be on display as well as copies of our projects and of member’s research which are under way or already completed. It will also be an opportunity for visitors to bring along any items that you think will be of interest to the group. They could be photographs, documents, newspaper cuttings or other memorabilia. At present we are particularly interested in old photographs of village school classes, sports teams and items relating to WWII. If you have anything to show us please bring it along. 

Tuesday 1st March 2005 this will be – Tracing your Family Tree – the basic steps, a talk by Alan Hiley”

Alan comments - To many people family history and local history are two separate items; nothing is further from the truth. The two subjects are so closely associated. I started my family history many years ago using old documents, maps, photographs and many local records. You cannot separate family history from local history. A lot of people are wary of starting to trace their own family history, not knowing where to go or what to look at. After my talk I hope to dispel fears that you may have regarding this subject and hopefully start you on the trail to find your elusive or not so elusive ancestors and learn where they fitted into the local history. 

Tuesday 19th April 2005. Please note that our meetings will change from this point to normally being on the third Tuesday of each month. This is to avoid clashes with other groups in the village.

Details of this meeting are being arranged and will be advised shortly.


In the last twelve months members of the group have completed a number of projects. These have already been documented in previous newsletters. I would like to bring attention to the following ongoing projects. 

1901 Census Transcription for Repton. Hazel Blackhall has this well under way and it will hopefully be completed shortly.  

Gill Hiley and Jill Kerr are busy typing four C of E school Head Masters logbooks 1926-1976. These are in various stages of work, typing or checking. One volume, 1896-1926 has already been completed. This makes fascinating reading; and is available to anyone to look at for research purposes. 

Oral History, David Guest and Pamela Carr are currently interviewing the more “senior” members of the village about their lives in the village in times past. Pamela is typing the transcriptions onto computer. We have been put in touch with a lady in Derby who was born in Repton and lived in the village for many years; she is now 100 years old and would love to be interviewed. Watch this space!!  

Jottings from the Parish Magazine 1889-1937. This was started by Alan Hiley in late 2004. Now typed, it has created a lot of interest and now has the potential to be added to. Parish magazines from 1937 onwards will be made available in the near future to be worked on. This work gives a fascinating snapshot of village life throughout the years. 

The Website, created by David Guest and Ewan Thompson, is now up and running, why not take a look at it? I am sure you will agree it is an impressive website. It gives up to date information regarding the village, the Village Society as well as our History Group. This is a good example of using current and future technology to bring alive the past. 

Ivor Sandars and Alan Kimber have started looking the History of religious places in Repton and district, although this project is in its infancy I am sure it will be of major benefit to the group and its archive when it is completed. 

I hope this gives a taster of what is happening within the group, and if anyone can spare a few minutes each day or each week to help with a project, I should be very pleased to hear from you. You will find we are a very friendly group to work with.


Alan Hiley – Projects Co-ordinator.



If anyone wishes to contribute to future editions of the Newsletter, please contact Alan Kimber on 01283 704042 or  


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