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  Repton - historic capital of Mercia


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Well Lane Footpath. The Society was asked to find 20 members who were prepared to state that they had walked this footpath for at least 20 years. All forms have now been completed and handed to the Parish Council. In due course these and others will be passed to the County Council so that the process of trying to establish a right of way can begin. This is likely to take some time. Many thanks to all concerned. 

Road Improvements at Robins Cross. The County Council have agreed to plant daffodil bulbs in a suitable position in the autumn to replace those dug up during the improvement works.

Village Show. Just to remind members that this event is taking place in the Village Hall on Saturday September 4th. Entries for the various classes (schedules available from the Post Office) should be taken to the hall between 10a.m. and 11.45a.m. The show opens at 2.30p.m when all the entries will be on display and the results announced as will the winners of the Floral Container/Front Garden Competition organised by the Society. We are pleased to help with insurance cover and some publicity for this very worthwhile event and hope that members will support it. 


Future Programme.

There are no events arranged for August. 

Thursday September 2nd. “ Bats” with Kevin Reynolds. Kevin is a long standing member of the Staffordshire Bat Group – an organisation that seeks to protect and promote interest in these fascinating mammals. The Group monitors bat roosts, cares for sick, injured and orphaned bats with a view to releasing them back to the wild and offers advice on care and protection. This is an excellent talk and perhaps especially relevant because of the recent spell of warm evenings when members may have been outdoors and seen bats flying. 

SATURDAY September 11th. The coach leaves from the church at 8a.m for the Albert Dock at Liverpool where after coffee a Blue Badge guide will be on board for a two hour tour of the City stopping at appropriate points before returning to the Dock by lunchtime. The Dock is an area of water surrounded by very well restored warehouses (the largest collection of Grade 1 listed buildings in the UK) that now house the Liverpool Tate Art Gallery(free), Merseyside Maritime Museum(free), International Museum of Slavery(free), the Beatles Story and many shops, coffee shops, restaurants etc. The afternoon is free for members to perhaps take a trip on the Mersey Ferry, explore the City further (maps will be provided and all major places of interest are within walking distance) or visit the attractions at the Dock etc. There is a Tourist Information Centre at the Dock to provide further information. The coach will leave at 4.30p.m. Tickets are available: £14. The interest in this trip has been muted for various reasons. If you have friends who would like to come please contact 701838 to book. 

SATURDAY October 2nd. “Swords, Helmets and Crosses –The Staffordshire Hoard” with Dr. Kevin Leahy. Dr. Leahy is a National Finds Adviser for the Portable Antiquities Scheme and is the person who has catalogued the 1600 or so items that comprise the Hoard. He is also the co-author of the book describing the find, and we are very fortunate indeed that he has agreed to come to Repton. It is likely that there will be a large audience for this talk and members are urged to indicate that they would like to attend to avoid disappointment on the night. (701838 or at the next meeting). 

Thursday October 7th. “The Craft of Thatching” with Master Thatcher David Wood. 

Changes to Published Programme. 

There are two. 

  1. The title of Ashley Franklin’s talk to accompany the photographic competition on November 4th is now “My Derbyshire Life” a mix of photography, writing and history of the County discovered whilst producing articles for the magazine.
  2. The members evening is now on Saturday December 4th instead of the 2nd.

Alan Webster 701838

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