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SPRING NEWSLETTER 2010 Civic Voice. This is the name of the organisation that has replaced the Civic Trust. It is possible that the Society will be able to join the new body via the East Midlands Association of Civic Societies, of which we are already a member. This would be of financial benefit to us since the fees for membership of the new body are considerable, and yet we would still have access to favourable insurance terms and support. The Cross Kerbs and Apron. The scheme for the prevention of damage to the kerbs and apron that the DCC has offered to produce is still not in evidence, but in the meantime the Village improvement Group has been reformed comprising members from the Parish Council, Village Society and History Group. They will study the scheme and seek funding for the costs. Well Lane. Members will be aware that The Parish Council is seeking to establish a right of way along the unmade stretch in conjunction with the DCC Legal Dept. For success it needs to be established that people have walked this route for twenty years or more unchallenged and we are helping the Parish Council gather names of those who are prepared to sign a form to say that they have done so. The forms are being prepared by the Legal Dept and we already have fifteen volunteers. If you can help please contact Alan Webster (701838). About thirty signatures are apparently required. Local Development Framework – Core Strategy. As well as being available via the internet for individual viewing and comment, the Committee has been studying a hard copy of this document which has been produced by the SDDC to help guide growth and change in South Derbyshire over the next 20 years or so. It covers such areas as population and household growth, together with investment in jobs, schools, health and other essential services. It is a lengthy document of some 106 pages and has a separate 12-page questionnaire. We have responded broadly in line with the Village Design Statement produced by the Society highlighting the many problems such as congestion, sprawl, lack of public transport and amenities etc. that would arise if large-scale development were to take place in our village. Road Improvements at Robin’s Cross. These have resulted in the removal of the grass triangle in which the Society planted many daffodil bulbs and we have requested that the DCC plant replacements in suitable adjacent areas. Annual General Meeting. This followed a superb talk by Colin Bagshaw on the Galapagos Islands. After many years as our excellent Secretary Hazel Blackhall stood down from the Committee for health reasons. Shelagh Evans also stood down for personal reasons and both were thanked for their contributions. Linda Shortt agreed to take over as Secretary for which we are very grateful. Subsequent to the meeting Karen Perks has been co- opted onto the Committee and is most welcome. All the other officers and committee members were re-elected. It was announced that there would be an increase in annual subscriptions next year by £2 per member or £4 per household to cover the increases in running costs. This is the first increase in many years. The evening ended with cheese and wine. The opportunity to chat was welcomed by many. Staffordshire Hoard and laptop. The Society sent a cheque for £200 to the appeal to keep it on display in the Midlands. This amount was taken out of the proceeds from the Jazz evening. The remainder has been put towards the cost of buying a laptop to use with the digital projector. Until now we have been borrowing a laptop from a member, to whom we are grateful. Email address list. The secretary would like to use email as much as possible in future. If you have email and would be happy to receive RVS communications this way, could you please send a message to: rvssec@yahoo.co.uk Future Programme. At the time of writing the date of the General Election is not fixed but the most likely date is May 6th. If that turns out to be correct the village hall will be in use as a polling station and arrangements have been made for our talk to be held in the hall on the Tuesday of the same week i.e. the 4th. Either on the 6th or the 4th Andrew Fielding will be speaking about the Salt Industry. He is the co-author with his wife of the excellent Shire publication of the same title, copies of which he will bring for sale. In the past salt was so important that it was taxed and controlled by governments; the taxation was not repealed in Britain until 1825. (Salary and “beneath the salt” are further examples of its importance). Andrew will trace the production from Roman times (much of it in Cheshire), effect on the landscape and transport (Salt Ways) etc. With regard to the latter, the Anderton Boat Lift that we are visiting – tickets are going fast –in June was built to expedite the transport of salt. Thursday June 10th 6.30p.m Evening visit for members and guests to the Roundhouse in Derby for a guided tour. This building and others nearby were formerly part of the railway works adjacent to Derby railway station. They were derelict for many years but have been beautifully and sympathetically restored to contain classrooms, library, workshops etc. and now form part of Derby College. There is no charge for the tour and tickets will not be issued but if you intend to attend please let Alan Webster (701838) know because the appropriate number of guides have to be arranged with the College before the visit. Further details will be available to those attending. Friday June 18th. Then on Friday June 18th the coach leaves Repton at 8.30a.m for the Anderton Boat Lift near Northwich. This magnificent structure was built in 1875 to connect the river Weaver and the Trent and Mersey canal 50 feet above in order to expedite the transport of goods by barge from the river onto the extensive canal network and vice-versa. Salt was one of the cargoes. It was out of action for many years but has been restored with visitor centre, museum, landscaped grounds, cafeteria etc. and was winner of the Cheshire “Tourism for All” award in 2008. Our visit includes a commentary and ascent or descent using the lift in the British Waterways trip boat. We then travel to Wollerton Old Hall Garden arriving at about 1p.m. “Possibly the most beautiful personal garden created in the last 25 years” according to Chris Beardshaw. This garden is also in the recommended section of the RHS handbook. There is much to see and an excellent Tea Room for lunches etc. and a plant sales area. The coach will leave at about 4p.m. The cost will be £21 for members and guests, £23 for visitors. This is a larger amount than usual, but it does include entry fees to the lift and garden, and the trip on the lift. Tickets are selling well! Thursday July 1st “Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin” with Richard Morris; former master at Repton and our guide in Cambridge. | ||||
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