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Village News | Village Society | Village History Group | ||
SPRING NEWSLETTER 2006 The meeting in October was very well supported and heard Mary Smedley, who runs the Visitor Centre at Belper, talking on the ‘Derwent Valley World Heritage Site’. She brought the Strutts, the Arkwrights and the other major players in developing the area to life with their personalities as well as describing the important work they carried out. David Tideswell gave a talk on the ‘Garden birds in Winter’ in November. This was very well illustrated mainly with excellent photographs taken in his own garden. The Christmas Coffee Morning had a good crowd to see a display of many hobbies and crafts put on by local people. Charles Hanson had a queue of people throughout the session wanting a valuation of their varied collectables. The profit of £180.00, helped by donations, the raffle and the tea, coffee and mince pies has been donated to the County Air Ambulance, and their stall also sold £140.00 of cards and goodies. Thanks to all who helped make the meeting a success. The meetings for the coming year provide a well thought out programme that we hope you will enjoy.
Subscriptions 2006 The subscriptions are due for renewal on the 1st January 2006. We have kept the subs at £6.00 for families and £3.00 for individuals. Wendy Bateman is looking forward to receiving any outstanding subscriptions Design Statement. Could you please take a copy of the second draft Statement (available at the Post Office, Repton, the Swan Inn, Milton and www.reptonvillage.org.uk website), read it and let us have your comments (sheet available on the back of the document) by the 2nd March 2006. We need your input to ensure the document reflects the concerns of the residents of Repton and Milton.
Future Programme
THURSDAY MARCH 2ND. “The Trent and Mersey Canal” by Geoff Williamson. This will be followed by the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING after which members are invited to enjoy a complimentary glass of wine, cheese, tea, coffee and soft drinks. THURSDAY APRIL 6TH. “ Extremes of Local Weather over the last 30 years” by David Stanier. David is a Member of the Meteorological Society and has been an amateur observer for over 40 years, supplying data to several observing organisations. THURSDAY MAY 4TH. “Crucibles, Crosses and Catastrophe” by Rod Pearson. Rod will give an introduction to the geographical, historical and social factors that made Sheffield one of the prime movers in the industrial development of Great Britain and the World. This will be a stand-alone talk although it will complement the visit detailed below. Rod has talked to us twice before and was our guide on the trip to Port Sunlight. WEDNESDAY MAY 10TH. “Botanicals, Beams and Blades”- a visit to Sheffield by coach leaving Repton at 8.30 a.m with Rod as our guide. Similar trips in other years have been on a Saturday but the museums in Sheffield are closed on Fridays and Saturdays. The first stop will be at the Botanical Gardens which have recently undergone a £6million restoration. There will be time to see the magnificent glass pavilions and the 19-acre grounds as well as a visit to the shop and café. We will then travel into the city centre where Rod will lead those who wish on a walk to see the new Wintergarden, the Anglican Cathedral and other buildings of interest. There will be time for refreshments and to visit art galleries that are all in and around where we will be. Maps will be available for those who wish to do their own thing. Our final stop will be at the Kelham Island Museum. This is a working and living museum housed in what was the old tram power station. There are many exhibits/videos showing the many products made in Sheffield over the years and the working and living conditions of those involved. A surgical instrument maker can still be seen at work and the largest working steam engine in Europe will be run whilst we are there. There is also a small shop and excellent value café. The coach will leave at 4p.m when the museum closes. The cost will be £13.50 for members and £15.50 for visitors –this includes the £3 admission fee to Kelham Island, all the other sites are free. There are two more buildings that are worth seeing in the centre of the City-Cutlers’ Hall and the Town Hall both of which offer pre booked guided tours but the former was not available on the 10th and time constraints prevailed in any case. But I do hope to arrange another trip to see these two places using the train from Derby in the Summer-more details later. Please contact Alan Webster, on 01283 701838 to book coach seats or for more details.
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2nd MARCH 2006 Following talk at 7.30pm Repton Village Hall AGENDA 1. Apologies 2. Minutes of AGM held on 3rd March 2005 3. Matters Arising 4. Chairman’s Report 5. Treasurer’s Report 6. Election of Officers Chairman Vice-Chairman Treasurer Secretary 7. Election of Committee 8. Any other business
The Committee would welcome nominations for the posts of Officers or Committee Members and these should be made in writing to the Hon.Secretary at least 14 days prior to the meeting. (Hazel Blackhall, 35 Monsom Lane, Repton DE65 6FX)
Registered Charity No. 1017835 | ||||
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